Organ pipe-, Leather-, Horn-Corals and Sea Pens belong
as "flower animals". Anthozoans to the larger phylum of
sea anemones Coelenterates. Thousands of species have ben described,
some more than others.
though they look like beautiful plants, they are animals, nevertheless,
and not flesh-eating plants, as they are sometimes called.
animals inhabit almost all of our salt water areas from the shallow
tide water areas to the deepest oceans. With the exception of sea
pens, all of these animals live attached to the bottom or ocean
floor. The largest number can be found in subtropical seas, especially
along the coral reefs.
though numerous scientific books are available about the forms and
shapes of these animals, there is very little we know about the
living habits of Leather corals and their relatives. Observation
of these fascinating creatures in aquariums can be very time-consuming,
but helpful.
authors have tried with pictures and text to show and describe the
species that can normally be found in aquarium supply stores. Because
new species always arrive with shipments, it is impossible to describe
them all. The results of years of study by the authors of the different
living habits of these "flower animals" has been consolidated
in this book for your information.
round out the book, information has also been provided concerning
aquariums, lighting and feeding. |