Title:The Modern Coral Reef Aquarium Volume 2
Author: Svein A. Fossa & Alf Jacob Nilsen Year: 1998 Pages: 480
Publisher: Birgit, Schmettkamp & Verlag
Description: Volume Two of a series of Four books on what a modern coral reef aquarium is all about, illustrated with over 800 stunning full colour glossy photography and line drawings.

Detail:  This volume deals exclusively with the phylum Cnidaria, the group of animals that, among others, contains corals, anemones and jellyfishes. All three classes in the phylum - the Hydrozoa, Scyohozoa, and the Anthozoa - are discussed in detail. Chapters on evolution and reproduction biology of the cnidarians are also included.

Several scientists, all experts in their individual fields, have contributed to this volume. With their help and that of scientific and popular literature, we have tried to make the content as up to date as possible. You will therefore find, not only an extensive list of references, but also a wealth of information never before grouped together in a popular book dealing with the cnidarians.

The test is focused, both on the biology of the group as well as on how to keep cnidarians successfully in aquaria. the book contains more than 800 high-quality photographs showing different groups of animals in their natural habitat and illustrating details of their biology, as well as their growth and survival in "The Modern Coral Reef Aquarium"



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