Title:Aqualog Southamerican Cichlids 3
Code: ARU
Author: Ulrich Glaser sen., Frank Schafer & Wolfgang Glaser Year: 1996 Pages: 144
Publisher: Verlag: ACS Glaser
Description: Aqualog identification guide, with over 650 full colour photos and symbolic classifications.

Detail:  For the first time ever in the history of the hobby you have now a compact reference book on your hands, in which all known living Cichlids from the Southamerican region are presented in multi-coloured pictures from well-known photographers. Also, all colour, local and other variations and all breeding forms are shown. Only the Discus (Symohysodon) and Angelfish (Pterophyllum) are left out because these highly popular fish will be treated in a separate issue.

In this volume, all species of the forme colletive genera Aequidens and Cichlasoma and the related genera of Acaronia, Caquetaia, Petenia, and Herotilapia are presented. Especially with these repeatedly renamed genera Aqualog"s code number systems will be of immense help. This system enables traders as well as hobbyists to identify a fish without having to regard its actual scientific status.

All the fish are easy to identify using the simple code number system.

The clearly arranged symbol-informations accompanying each of the 500 photographs give a good overview of the origin, care instructions and other characteristics of each featured species.



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