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Test Kits
Phosphate (0.0-5.0mg/l)
click to see accesories$22.00

Why analyse Phosphate ? There is no specific data available on the toxicity of phosphate. It is important to know the actual phosphate levels for other reasons. Phosphate in water is normally found as Orthophosphate(HPO42- and PO43-). Water levels with either compound greater than 1mg/l can promote unsightly algae growth in an aquarium. In salt water, algae can create problems by overgrowing certain invertebrates. Weekly analysis of phosphate offers the proper information needed to help control algae.
most phosphates come form the decay of organic matter, fish feces and over feeding. Ideal phosphate range is below 1mg/l, while levels above this suggest lack of maintenance or over feeding. Phosphate levels can be reduced through water changes or the use of a phosphate sponge or Ozoneiser.

1. Fill test tube to the 5ml line with water to be tested.
2. Add 3 drops of reagent #1 to the test tube, insert cap
hold with finger and shake well to mix Attention! always use the cap, Avoid skin contact.
3. Add 3 drops of reagent #2 to the test tube, insert cap and shake well to mix.
4.Add 3 drops of reagent #3 to the test tube,simply invert glass bottle & product will self dispense in a few seconds, insert cap and shake well to mix.
5. Wait 2 minutes for colour to develop and match the test colour to the closest colour on the chart.
6. Rinse test tube with fresh tap water so it's clean for next test.
These instruction are as a guide only, for full Instructions and Safety advice see the booklet included with test kit.
pH Wide * pH High * Phosphate * Ammonia * Nitrate * Nitrite * Iron * Calcium * Hardness *Mini Kit *Master Kit

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